How Does Property Management Work?
MerGo Property Managment is speaking at a Mass Landlords event, Tuesday May-15th in Cambridge!
MerGo will be giving a 45-minute presentation on what a property management company does for a property owner. This is not a sales pitch. Instead, this presentation will be intended to help property owners understand how to run their property like a business. We will go over the services provided by a property management company, and how to find a property manager that is right for your needs. Food and drinks will be provided — this is also a great opportunity to meet other landlords in the Boston area!
How to run your property like a business
We will get into what it means to run your property like an income-producing asset and business. Self-managing your property can be a lot of work, but with the right tools and systems, you can do it. MerGo will go over the pros and cons of property management so you can determine if self-managing or professional property management is right for you. We will also discuss our systems and what we have found works for tenant and maintenance management. We have done extensive research into various software platforms, accounting systems, and maintenance allocation processes.
We are all about efficient systems and customer service. Come learn more about the property management game and how to get the most out of your property!!
For more info and to RSVP go to MassLandlords.com
Mass Landlords is an essential resource for landlords in Massachusetts. They are a nonprofit trade association designed to help educate property owners on the latest laws and trends in the world of real estate investment.